Recommendations for Further Study on Antique Spectacles and Optical Devices
Acerenza, Franca: GLI Occhiale/Spectacles , Milano 1988, 2nd ed. 1994 (Bi-lingual)
Bernard Becker Collection in Ophthalmology, an Annotated Catalog. Bernard Becker Medical Library, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Brandt, Laura, Honor’s thesis at William and Mary, Boys Don't Make Passes at Girls Who Wear Glasses: Gender, Vision Aids, and Persona in the Early American Republic
Bruneni, Joseph, Industry Biographies- John McAllister 1753-1830
Bryden, DJ, Simms, DL. “Archimedes and the Opticians of London” Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society no.35 (1992) 11-14
Bryden, DJ, Simms, DL. “Spectacles improved to perfection and approved of by the Royal Society”. Annals of Science 1993; 50: 1-32
Calvert, H.R.. Scientific Trade Cards in the Science Museum Collection. London: H.M.S.O., 1971
Chevalier, Charles, Manuel des Myopes et des Presbytes, contenant des Recherches Historiques sur l´Origine des Lunettes ou un chapitre spécialement consacré aux Lorgnettes de Spectacle. etc... Paris 1841
Corson, Richard. Fashions in Eyeglasses. London: Peter Owen Ltd., 1967
Crestin-Billet, Frederique, Collectible Eyeglasses, Editions Flammarion, 2004
Del Vecchio, Marisa, Bel Vedere The Spectacles of the Luxottica Museum, Treviso, Italy
Del Vecchio, Marisa, Lunga Vista, the Telescopes of the Luxottica Museum, Treviso, Italy
Dreyfus, John. "The Invention of Spectacles and the Advent of Printing." The Library, Sixth Series, v. 10, no. 2, June 1988., pp. 93-106.
Davidson, Derek & MacGregor, Ronald. Spectacles, Lorgnettes, and Monocles. Princes Risborough, England: Shire, 2002
De Lotto, Enrico, From Nero’s Emerald to the Cadore Glasses, Belluno, 1956
Drewry, Jr.,M.D., Richard, What Man Devised That He Might See, 1994
Ernst Abbe Foundation, Treasury of Optics: The Collections of the Optisches Museum Jena ISBN 978-3-9811120-5-4 National as well as international authors contributed a total of 16 articles pertaining to the development of optical devices and the various unique exhibition pieces. Numerous full page color illustrations complement the individual essays. Soon to become a classic this book highlights and features the world’s greatest museum collection of optical instruments, started by Carl Zeiss, Ernst Abbe and their associates in the early 20th century. This included spectacles, microscopes, telescopes, opera glasses and binoculars, optical instruments, and sa graphics collection (15th – 20th century) that is unrivaled. All this is truly remarkable.
Faber, Fritz Julius (assisted by Udo Timm), Durchblicke, Eine Kulturgeschichte mit Brillen, Heidelberg, 1999
Florange, Ch., Histoire des Lunettes in: Pro Medico, Paris & Brussels 1936, 13: 123-127
Frank, Arthur, The Seeing Eye. Privately published, Jersey Channel Islands, 1993
Greef, R., Hallauer, O., Lundsgaard, K., von Pflugk, A., et al. Katalog Einer Bildersausterllung zur Geschichte der Brille. (International Congress of Ophthalmology, 13th, Amsterdam 1929) Amsterdam: A.E.d’Oliveira, 1929
Groffman, Sidney, O.D., “The Eyes of Liberty”, Journal of the American Optometric Association, v. 47, no. 8, August 1976, pp. 1019-1040.
Hamblin, Dora. "What a Spectacle! Eyeglasses and How They Evolved." Smithsonian Magazine, v. 13, no. 12, March 1983, pp.100-102+.
Heitz, Robert, THE HISTORY OF CONTACT LENSES (3 vols.) Wayenborgh, Ostende 2003ff
Heymann, Madame Alfred, Lunettes et Lorgnettes de Jadis, J. Leroy, Paris 1911
Il contenitore prezioso - storia degli astucci per occhiali (The Precious Container - Story of the Cases for Glasses), Marsilio Editori, Venezia, (The first book I have ever seen devoted just to eyeglass cases)
Ilardi, Vincent. "Eyeglasses and Concave Lenses in Fifteenth-Century Florence and Milan: New Documents." Renaissance Quarterly, v. 29, no. 3, Autumn 1976, pp. 341-360.
Ilardi, Vincent. "Renaissance Florence: The Optical Capital of the World." Journal of European Economic History, v. 22, no. 3, 1993, pp. 507-41.
Ilardi, Vincent. "Renaissance Vision from Spectacles to Telescopes", American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 2007. The most detailed and footnoted research book ever written on this subject. I personally learned something new on almost every single page. I predict this will soon become a “classic” and it should become part of the library of anyone studying the optical lens during this time period. ISBN 978-0-87169-259-7 (This book can be accessed online at Google Books.)
Kelly, Chris. "McAllister 5 Generations in Optometrics." Optical Journal and Review of Optometry, v. 112, no. 13, July 1975, pp. 10-17.
Jaeger, Wolfgang, AUGENVOTIVE, Verlag Brausdruck, Heidelberg 1974 (a beautiful book about ex-votos of the eye)
Kortland, Kees. "Het Oog Wil Ook Wat". 1990, Kees Kortland.
Kuisle, Anita: Brillen, Gläser, Fassungen, Herstellung, Deutsches Museum, Munich 1985
La Mattina, Professor Rosolino, Gli Occhiale nella Pittura dal XIV al XX secolo- Dal Veneto alla Sicilia l’iconografia racconta l’evoluzione dell’oggetto visivo , 2006 (Ed. Lussografica-Caltanissetta). A colorful artistic book, written in Italian, which has over 125 wonderful illustrations.
Lee, Cheong Su, Old Eye-Glasses and Portrait, Hanbit Museum of Glasses, Exhibition Catalogue, March 2009
Letocha, Charles E., M.D. "The Origin of Spectacles." Survey of Ophthalmology, v. 31, 1986, pp. 185-188.
Letocha, Charles E., M.D. "The Invention and Early Manufacture of Bifocals." Survey of Ophthalmology, v. 35, 1990, pp. 226-235.
Levene, John R.. Clinical Refraction and Visual Science. Boston: Butterworths, 1977
Marly, Pierre. Spectacles & Spyglasses. Paris: Editoins Hoebeke, 1988
Mazza, Samuele: Spectacles, Milano 1995, English San Francisco 1996 (by Chronicle Books)
McBrayer, Alan. "Spectacles, 1760-1783." The Brigade Dispatch, v. 33, no. 1, 2003, pp. 2-1.
McBrayer, Alan. United States Spectacle and Eye-glass Patents 1836-1873. Privately published
MacGregor, Ronald J.S., Restoring Ophthalmic Antiques, 1990 and 2008. It is ISBN 978-0-9519290-1-8
Il Museo Dell’Occhiale Pieve di Cadore, Fabbri Editore, 1990, Milan (an absolutely fabulous catalogue of the historic vision related objects at this museum)
Newsletters of the Ophthalmic Antiques International Collectors Club, 1982 – Present
Oppenheimer, H., Theorie und Praxis der Augengläser , Berlin 1904
Orr, Hugh. Illustrated History of Early Antique Spectacles. Beckenham, Kent, England: Hugh Orr, 1985
Oydegaard, Floyd, How to be a Perfect Spectacle, Shadows of the Past, 1984
Poulet, W. Atlas on The History of Spectacles. Bonn, Germany: Wayenborgh, 1978. 3 v., Certainly the #1 reference book on the subject and still a comprehensive “classic” after nearly 30 years.
Ramstein, Rolf and Till, Die Optikerfamilie Ramstein und ihre Sammlung antiker Brillen und optischer Instrument, Verlag Editions Publisher Till Ramstein, 2003 (This highlights the illustrious long history of the Ramstein family and also their marvelous optical collection. This is a limited edition of only 300 copies worldwide.)
Rasmussen, Otto. Chinese Eyesight and Spectacles. Tonbridge, England: Tonbridge Free Press, 1946
Redfearn, Jerome. "American Silver & Gold Spectacles of the Nineteenth Century." Silver Magazine Nov.-Dec. 1985, 8-12.
Reetz, Hans : Bildniss und Brille, Oberkochen 1957
Ronchi, Vasco: Perché non si ritrova l’inventore degli Occhiale?, Rivista di oftalmologia, v. 1, 1946, p. 140-144
Rosen, Edward. "The Invention of Eyeglasses." Journal of the History of Medicine, v. 11, 1956, pp. 13-46, and pp. 183-218.
Rosenthal, J. William, M.D. Spectacles and Other Vision Aids: A History and Guide to Collecting, San Francisco: Norman Pub., 1996
Rossi, Frank: Brillen-Vom Leseglas zum modischen Accessoire, Leipzig 1989 (was translated into English by F.C. Blodi)
Schiffer, Nancy. Eyeglass Retrospective: Where Fashion Meets Science. Atgen, Pa.: Schiffer Publishing, 2000
Schmitz, E.-H. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Optik, Suppl. III, DIE BRILLE (3 vols.) Ostend, Wayenborgh 1995.
Schnell, Ivar: Glasögonens Historia, Stockholm 1943
Shirayama, Sekiya. Social History of Spectacles. Tokyo, 1990
Spectacles & Sunglasses, Amsterdam, Pepin Press BV, 2005
Temple, Robert, The Crystal Sun Rediscovering a Lost Technology of the Ancient World, Century, London, 2000 ISBN 0 7126 7888 3
von Rohr, Moritz: Das Auge und die Brille, Leipzig 1912
von Rohr, Moritz: Die Brille als Optisches Instrument, Leipzig 1911
von Rohr, Moritz, Abhandlungen zur Geschichte des Stereoskops, Engelmann Leipzig 1908
von Rohr, Moritz, “The Thomas Young Oration: Contributions to the History of the Spectacles Trade from the Earliest Times to Thomas Young’s Appearance.”, Transactions of the Optical Society, vol. XXV, 1923-24 No.2, .
Walsh, Glyn, Spectacles Through the Ages and Period Inaccuracies, December 14, 2001,
Willach, Rolf, The Long Route to the Invention of the Telescope, American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 2008, This book is definitely a milestone in the study of the optical lens during the pre-history of the telescope. ISBN: 978-1606189856
Winkler, Wolf, Editor. A Spectacle of Spectacles, Exhibition Catalogue, Edition Leipzig: Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung , Jena, 1988.
York, Alan, “Eyeglasses: Fads and Fashions in Spectacles”, The Encyclopedia of Collectibles, 1978, Time Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia
Zeiss: Zur Geschichte der Brille , Oberkochen 1958